HIT The First Case Movie Review

HIT: The First Case is a detailed police procedural. You’ll get to know what all policemen do to clear up homicide cases. You’ll be happy to understand that they have a forensic lab to in shape some thing that the FBI has, and that too, in Jaipur. You’ll come to realize how a polygraph check is taken and the way a narco evaluation is accomplished. It’ll boom your widespread know-how for certain. Director Dr. Sailesh Kolanu has reimagined his own Telugu movie, of the same name, with minor adjustments. While the unique turned into set in Telangana, right here the motion shifts to Jaipur. Like inside the original, right here too we meet a genius police officer, Vikram (Rajkummar Rao), belonging to the Homicide Intervention Team (HIT), who is tormented by PTSD because of some thing that befell in his beyond. He continues seeing flashes of the beyond tragedy, and the sight of fire form of paralyses him. All that is affecting his work. His lady friend, Neha (Sanya Malhotra), who is an officer with the forensics department, tells him to take a smash for the sake of everybody. His colleagues, even his shrink, recommend him to do the equal. Feeling that he’s being alienated, he runs off to his ancestral home within the mountains. After months of isolation, he learns that Neha has disappeared and springs returned to address the matter. A few days in the past, any other girl disappeared as properly, and Neha changed into investigating the case. Thinking that both the instances are associated, he begins to inspect the earlier case as nicely, and all types of secrets and techniques come tumbling out.

The director tries to hold you in your ft throughout. The suspects encompass a suspended police officer, Ibrahim (Milind Gunaji), who changed into the ultimate character who noticed the lady, a divorcee (Shilpa Shukla), who’s too much bothered about society’s alienation of her; or even the woman’s parents, when it’s learnt she’d been adopted. While the police chief (Dalip Tahil) is greater or much less in his favour, Vikram reveals himself at loggerheads with every other HIT officer (Jatin Goswami). Several pink herrings later, he chances upon the reason in the back of the disappearance of both the girls. By this time, the complaints have come to be so convoluted that the viewer has lost maximum of his hobby.

The movie is lopsided, to say the least. While it does apprise us about the internal workings of a police investigation, it’s packed with characters which can be so one-dimensional that they could as nicely be mannequins. There’s no justification for the friction between Vikram and his colleague. We have no concept why Shilpa Shukla’s individual behaved the manner she did, and the cause behind any other colleague’s behaviour too boggles the thoughts. Sanya Malhotra is absent for maximum of the movie. They may want to have as a minimum proven her predicament from her point of view, but we don’t get that at all.

Sanya Malhotra shines like a ray of sunshine in this in any other case bleak movie. She stocks a palpable chemistry with Rajkummar Rao, and we desire there was more of her to peer within the film. It’s ready for a sequel, so with any luck we’ll see her in a higher function inside the next movie. Rajkummar Rao has the addiction of rising above the limitations of the script, and he does it again in this film. He’s a technique actor and brings all his craft into play right here, gambling a grief-stricken, angst-crammed cop with every ounce of creativity in his possession. He’s the quality element approximately the movie and keeps you invested within the undertaking thru sheer dint of effort.

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