Pakistan asked not to abandon Kashmiris

Speakers have stated that the late Syed Ali Shah Geelani changed into an embodiment of honesty, unwavering resoluteness, struggle and vision in the story of the Kashmir freedom motion.

They stated that Geelani turned into the epitome of Kashmiri’s war and resistance, whose passion, ideology, and vision about Kashmir had been matchless. They said that Geelani now not handiest supplied the cause of Kashmir with wonderful readability however also united all his human beings for freedom of Kashmir and the right to Kashmiris’ self-dedication, for which he paid a high charge.

They were speaking at a memorial reference titled “Syed Ali Shah Geelani: His Struggle and Legacy”, organized with the aid of the Institute of Policy Studies (IPS) in collaboration with the Legal Forum for Kashmir (LFK).

The session became addressed, among others, by using PML-N leader Raja Zafar-ul-Haq, Veteran baby-kisser and writer Prof Khurshid Ahmad, AJ&K University Vice-Chancellor Dr Muhammad Kaleem Abbasi, Centre for International Strategic Studies Muzaffarabad Executive Director Dr Asma Shakir Khwaja, All Parties Hurriyat Conference General Secretary Sheikh Abdul Mateen, ambassador (retd) Syed Abrar Hussain and IPS’ vice-chairman Dr Muhammad Mushtaq.

Khurshid Ahmad, while paying tribute to Geelani’s patience, resolute courage, and resistance in the face of Indian atrocities and its illegal occupation of Kashmir, underscored that the critical issue, for which he committed and sacrificed his life, become the Kashmiris’ proper to self-dedication and a free plebiscite, with out which the Kashmir dispute can not be solved.

He pointed out how the Pakistani leadership has left out their duty for the venture of this leader, whose handiest slogan became “we’re Pakistani and Pakistan is ours” which nonetheless echoes inside the hearts of Kashmiris and people preventing for the cause.

He emphasised that the freedom of Kashmir is an unsettled agenda of Pakistan’s independence and the pursuance of which demands a clean vision of narratives and ideology on part of Pakistan. This solidarity and clean vision have become a compelling need thanks to improved Indian brutalities and war crimes in IIOJK.

Raja Zafar-ul-Haq additionally expressed his disappointment over the indecisive and non-severe position of Pakistan, mainly after the revocation of Article 360, even as a stronger competition emerged from inside India by means of various political events and leaders. However, at the equal time, several opportunities frequently come inside the global area, where Pakistan should proactively defend the cause of Kashmir, he said.

Khalid Rahman, in his concluding comments, pointed out terrible governance to be the root purpose of many things that are incorrect with the sector. In such an surroundings, the war for justice isn’t easy, which Geelani understood in all its elements.

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